Firm’s culture of supporting our clients is very important to us and we work hard to nurture and develop it. We will go on a journey with you, building mutual trust and respect as we tackle all obstacles. The attorneys that practice in our law firm's securities law practice group advise clients on securities issues and assist with preparing private

Jane Bryant Quinn

Lawyers are operators of toll bridges which anyone in search of justice must pass.

Our law firm’s approach is to thoroughly understand a client's business and future objectives so that our securities lawyers can better advise each client as well as to help ensure that any disclosure documents are accurate and complete.

At our law firm the securities attorneys understand that there is a difference between simply assisting a client with drafting offering and disclosure documents and helping to guide the business owners and other key individuals.

Opportunities and relationships that can help them to achieve their goals; thus our attorneys are able to leverage their knowledge and contacts to identify people and businesses that can help clients to grow their businesses.

Our firm has considerable experience in advising on shareholder dispute resolution and assisting enterprises navigate the sensitivities of streamlining their corporate governance. Our clients in this area come to us because they trust our ability to match sharp business acumen with legal acuity. In the last four years alone, we have counseled some of the largest and fastest growing enterprises in the market through these sometimes mirky waters. In each of the matters we have handled, we have achieved all rounded success for the parties, leaving each party, and the firm they own, healthier than we found them.

We have acted for both majority and minority shareholders, ensuring in the end that any resulting deal realizes joint value for all parties. Some of the matters on which we have advised in this area include advising the minority in one of the few large indigenous geological and mining consulting firms in the economy; and advising a minority shareholder on its rights and eventual exit from one of Uganda’s oldest players in the pensions and insurance brokerage sectors.

We also advised the majority shareholders in Uganda’s largest indigenous construction company through its shareholder litigation which ended in an amicable settlement. More recently, we advised the majority shareholder of Uganda’s largest and fastest growing consulting and advisory firm through shareholder negotiations and mapping the firm’s governance structures.

Specializing Attorneys on this Area:

Robert Kirunda

Founding PARTNER

Margaret Wanyenze


Olga Karungi

Legal Associate

Mitcheal R. Sserulaza


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